Fiore’s fascination with his daughter, Hisui, just after individually transforming her for the a beneficial mouse

Irene has revealed is most knowledgeable, showcasing herself given that an effective historian whenever revisiting an excellent folktale from her birthplace, seemingly experiencing the offset away from good “wonderful story” of the two angels out of Zonia. This woman is demonstrated to provides a funny side to their, while the viewed when she desired to find Juliet and you will Heine carry out race, in order to after state it online Mons in Belgium women was bull crap.

Irene is extremely positive about her own power, wanting to care for Acnologia by herself (even speaking off humanity’s greatest chances without the timidity in her words) nonetheless given that her own comrades, included in this being August, indexed that they could not overcome the Black colored Dragon without Fairy Cardio in the the discretion.

When it comes to their unique underlings, she actually is really connected with her or him, also referencing him or her just like the her “children,” coming to their security shortly after their competition facing Mirajane Strauss, painfully torturing the second due to the fact collateral to have beating him or her

She along with screens signs of being a horrible individual, such as when she expected Toma Elizabeth. Whenever displeased in the their caring words getting his kid, she tends to make a beneficial muted expression for her deal with prior to thinking of moving assault him or her, exhibiting their particular dislike to possess anything perhaps not apropos so you can just how she conceives it to be. When she come to torture Mirajane, she devilishly promised their particular that do not only would she not have a swift death, however, immediately following it is all told you and you may complete, she would change their toward a good a swelling away from rotting meats, appearing more of their unique evil and you will intense characteristics.

When major, she has proven to criticize and be frankly blunt to those actually a lot more than their particular, such as the Emperor, for the latter managing the war since a-game and just have welcoming naivety in his center when it comes to his former spouse, attempting to become one to best him as a result of it all. Along with all this, this woman is most respectful and you will no-cost to people higher than their particular, however getting high praise on the same Emperor just who she stated if he took part in the war up against Ishgar that it carry out end up being more in the course of time immediately after they began, while bringing honor throughout the Black colored Dragon’s compliments shortly after entering struggle with him, coming back the brand new prefer by the saying brand new gossip away from their energy dont create your one fairness individually. Yet not, she can feel slightly vain and additionally gold-tongued, remembering one the woman is no longer known as the “Vivid red Angel,” however the “Vivid red Anxiety,” wanting something far cuter getting called.

Because of this, their believe not merely spreads inside her, but with the you’ll from their particular Empire, saying that she you can expect to set-aside the fresh new Majesty’s “conflict game” because of the activity out-of dealing with Acnologia, saying Alvarez (with her Majesty at helm) would-be winning long lasting lead

Four hundred years ago, Irene are a sort personal, that have experienced governmental relationship to safeguard their particular nation and you may avoid disputes. She are a company believer in peoples-Dragon coexistence, best exemplified because of the their unique relationship with the new Dragon Belserion, confiding inside your her despair from the simple idea of Dragons dinner and abusing individuals, plus creating Dragon Slayer Wonders to enhance the coexistence faction winnings the war, most of the along with his let, all of the up until their dying from the Acnologia’s hand, which left Irene particularly distraught. She was also really maternal, halting their particular fetus’ progress with Secret whenever she is actually imprisoned to own undergoing dragonization, and you can hasten the method only to guard their unique. During the her several hundred or so numerous years of getting a great Dragon, Irene became obsessed with back to their own human anatomy, and in the end, immediately following getting hired back, getting a true peoples once again. So it obsession turned madness and you may desperation, with her trying enchant by herself on to their particular yet-still-unborn fetus and weak, which ended with Irene leaving their unique newborn baby within the Rosemary Town. So it marked Irene’s over deviation off how she was previously, and you will from this point, she sooner turned the fresh new vain, cold-hearted and cruel personal in the modern.